Well, new carpet in the library, new paint on 3/4 of the walls, nonfiction section moved to a different room, much junk eliminated, and a new schedule for this school year means we will have big changes to The Discovery School Library!
Students will only be coming to the library once a week this year instead of twice a week. That is a BIG change for the students. I will be doing intervention instruction all day long 2 days a week and the last day is reserved for my RTI managers duties including data/tier meetings every 4 to 5 weeks.
My plan this year is to primarily focus on students choosing a good book to fit their likes and abilities. Students will be able to check out up to 3 books at a time. However, I plan on doing ongoing chapter book reading with grades 2 through 5. Students will be writing reviews, summaries, and predicting as part of these library visits. I feel my role is to help foster the love of reading and the excitement of getting to know characters, settings, and stories. Sometimes that will mean just quiet time to read. Sometimes that will mean discussion and debate.
Last year, the 4th grade created a TDS Library Constitution based on the United States Constitution. After reading the US Constitution, reading a book on it, discussing it, each table in both classes created what they thought would be a good library constitution. Then, the students went to each of the other tables and voted on which one was the "best." The next step of our lesson involved editing, debate, and discussion about each and every word. After the edits were made in both classes, the final version was presented and voted on. I had plans to post the finished product in the hall with the student signatures, my signature, and the principal's signature but somehow the document got lost in one of the classrooms. I plan on creating a second copy and having the signatures put on it then enlarged to post on the wall. The best part of the process was the day a few of the students sighed, rolled their eyes, complained about how long it was taking and how boring it was to these particular students, etc. We had a good discussion on how Congress actually is just like this tedious process and how long it took for the lawmakers to create the original Constitution. They agreed that our process was much easier. They gained a new appreciation for the role of the elected officials attempting to pass laws. It was a great few weeks of hands-on experience for them.
This year, the library will have a Chromebook for each student to use while in the library. Each student has a Google Classroom login that can be used anywhere. They can log onto their Google Classroom account at home, too. They can use the Chromebook to research, look up books in the library Destiny software, access myOn to read online, and work on Google Classroom assignments. My hope is that by the end of the year, 3rd through 5th graders will have become more comfortable with using these tools. Middle school teachers expect a certain level of proficiency that I hope to help students achieve before leaving TDS. If you have any questions about the Google accounts, please send me an email.
As many other teachers, I spend my summer scouring Pinterest for lesson ideas, bulletin board ideas, Google docs and Classroom ideas, and classroom management help. It can become an addiction! I am finding lots of things to create on my original Cricut machine and a borrowed Cricut Explore Air. I look forward to exploring more. Pam Artis Cricut for the Classroom board. Shannon Lee's Circut Classroom Uses. Cricut's School and Education Projects. The Kinderhearted Classroom
Hopefully, I will be posting how the school year starts soon! Keep reading Explorers!
Friday, July 7, 2017
Monday, February 13, 2017
What we do, matters!
No matter what is going on in the larger world as a whole, we the teachers and the students at elementary schools across the country persist on doing our jobs to the best of our ability with whatever tools we have at our disposal. What it boils down to is the relationships between the teacher and his/her students. Regardless of how I feel about government, laws, standards, and leaders, what I say and how I act with each student each and every day will have an infinite impact on that student's life. Teaching is a hard and stressfull job because the responsibility is huge. Let us be reminded of why we went into teaching.
The February TDS Library Newsletter will go home this week. Hopefully, the flu/strep/stomach bug illnesses will die down and things will get back on schedule.
Earn dress down passes for reading at least one hour on myOn during Presidents Day weekend. Accessing myOn has to be done through Clever.com. To use the myOn app, students need to bring the device to school so I can get them through all of the additional steps it takes. MyOn.com will NOT work for Dickson County students. Go to http://Clever.com then choose Log In. Select Student. Type in The Discovery School in Dickson Tennessee. The student will type in their 7 digit iReady/MobyMax/Clever number in both the username and password fields. Kindergarten students passwords are 1234.
5th graders are about 1/3 of the way through Financial Fitness. Ask your 5th grader about what he/she has learned. They can access Vault on Everfi.net using their student number and the password !abc123tds! Students who had passed at least 2 quizzes on Vault were allowed to get a prize out of my prize drawer last week. They can access Vault at home as well as at school.
Read Across America Week is February 27 through March 3. We plan to celebrate on March 2. Look for details to come home next week (February 21.)
Friday, January 6, 2017
Happy New Year!
As I type this, we have had our first snow day in middle Tennessee! I have spent my morning continuing to set up my new laptop and organizing my Google Photos. I love the Google Photos site/app because it uses facial recognition software to group photos so that you can organize your pictures into albums much easier and faster than other methods I have tried to use in the past. It is worth investigating if you have hundreds of digital photos like me!
Reading Picture Books with Children: How to Shake Up Storytime and Get Kids Talking about What They See by Megan Dowd Lambert. I hope to provide you with important details from it as I read.
Reading Picture Books with Children: How to Shake Up Storytime and Get Kids Talking about What They See by Megan Dowd Lambert. I hope to provide you with important details from it as I read.
50 of our 4th and 5th graders have public library cards now that will allow them access to the Dickson County Public Library and Lifelong Learning Center's free ebook service through Tennessee R.E.A.D.S and Overdrive. These students will be allowed to bring electronic devices to school one day soon so that I may help them learn how to access the site and borrow ebooks. If you have a public library card, it is easy to login using your barcode from the back of your card. Just go to https://reads.overdrive.com/
Continue reading and completing your PizzaHut BookIt reading logs. I have issued about 15 free personal pan pizza coupons so far. I know more of you are reading at night so make sure you are tracking it with your log!
One half of the year is over. If your student wants to attend Readapalooza in May with me, he/she should be close to passing 50 AR tests or earning 50 AR points. The requirement is 100 AR tests or 100 points. Students must complete the Century Book Club form and turn it in to me.
Did you notice the widget to the right? It is the new Follett Destiny Discover widget. It is linked directly to the TDS library catalog. You can type in a book title or author and find out if I have it in our library! How cool is that?!? You can also go to http://www.arbookfind.com/ and look to see if a book has an AR test. The service is free.
Don't forget to be reading on myOn by logging into Clever and then choosing myOn. https://clever.com/in/dickson. Use your iReady/Clever/MobyMax/myOn number as your username and as your password.
Dickson County is taking steps to become a Google Classroom district. This will allow teachers and students to use Google Suite software to assign and complete projects from any location. I am excited about learning ways I can use this to help students be prepared for middle and high school especially in research projects. Look for more information later!
And I will leave you with a picture of my January bulletin board. How will you spend your days in 2017?
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Getting ready to start school in the 2020 Pandemic Universe
I am sure many others deal with the same issues as me when the first day of school approaches every year. My brain is full of "to do l...

We have a subscription this year to Scholastic's BookFlix. 32 pairs of books, each pair has a fiction and a nonfiction book. Geared spec...
As an elementary school librarian, I am continuously investigating new ways to communicate and teach my students. County technology restrict...
As we begin 2016, I am resolving to complete some major weeding. Many of the videos and books are in good shape. However, due to age of the ...