Friday, August 29, 2014

Whew! First month of school. . .

We are at the end of the first month of the 2014-2015 school year here at TDS.  When we come back from the Labor Day holiday, our library will be using new software for circulation.  You can access our library from anywhere now!  After we are trained, I will post information or send it home in a newsletter for parents to be able to see what we have in our library!

A newsletter should be coming home soon giving parents all kinds of digital resources information.  Our students have access to many tools to help them succeed such as Moby Max and Khan Academy.  Parents can track student AR use by going to our Home Connect account.

Soon I will be starting to participate in Volunteer State Book Awards (VSBA).  This is sponsored by Tennessee Association of School Librarians (TASL).  Your student may talk about voting on books and this will be what the student is talking about.

Friday, April 11, 2014

End of the year!

Wow! I cannot believe we are nearing the end of the school year.

The last 6 weeks of school is very busy for our library.

After TCAP (state standardized testing) is completed, we are having our book fair in the library.  Book fair dates are Monday, May 5 through Friday, May 9.  Times open will be 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM.

The book fair will be open during Field Day on Friday, May 9!

Visit the book fair online page at

The last day to check out books for the 2013-2014 school year will be May 14.  All books should be returned no later than May 19.  Lost or damaged books must be paid for before picking up the report card.

Getting ready to start school in the 2020 Pandemic Universe

I am sure many others deal with the same issues as me when the first day of school approaches every year.  My brain is full of "to do l...